Hispanic Antiques has returned from a relaxing week in Naples and the Amalfi coast. The highlight of Naples has to be the Farnese collection of marble sculpture in the Museo Archeologico which includes the Farnese Bull , the finest and largest single sculpture of antiquity. Our last few days were spent in Amalfi which has the fabulous Duomo, however a must is in Salerno , a thirty minute boat trip down the coast, where in the Museo Diocesano di San Matteo has to be the greatest series of 12th century ivory panels in the world. Now, on a lighter level, if you walk 5 minutes round the corner from Amalfi one comes to Atrani, the setting for the Netflix drama Ripley starring Andrew Scott. Adapted from Patricia Highsmith’s book ‘The Talented Mr Ripley’ , in my opinion this adaptation is far superior to the film with Scott capturing our eponymous anti-hero perfectly.