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Oak Relief Carving of the Resurrection
Origin / Age
Spanish/Portuguese 16th Century
37cm w x 30cm h
A rare 16th century oak relief carving of the resurrection mounted on a later cloth board.Details
The Bible says that Jesus made a number of appearances after His death. They were to a number of different people over a forty-day period. It specifically says that on Easter Sunday Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, the woman that came to his tomb Mary the Mother of James, Salome and Joanna, Peter and two disciples on the Emmaus road. This carving depicts Peter meeting Jesus after denying him three times and restoring him to the fellowship of disciples. Jesus also predicts and foretells his future when in the martyrdom of Peter he insists on being crucified upside down; Peter deems himself unworthy of death in the same manner as Jesus.
Condition: Excellent
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